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Facilities and Construction Management

Safety and Environmental Health

Our mission is to ensure all Jackson State University facilities, procedures, programs, projects and activities are in compliance with Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) Risk Management standards and State safety codes.

It is the responsibility of all University personnel and students to report unsatisfactory safety conditions to the Department of Facilities and Construction Management.

Our Unit

The Safety and Environmental Health Unit is made up of trades with expertise in the areas listed below:

  • Fire and Life Safety
  • Environmental Health
  • Access Control
  • Site Care

Fire and Life Safety

Maintenance of all fire security systems is the responsibility of the Department of Facilities & Construction Management (FCM). The purpose of Fire and Life Safety policy is to ensure that standards are met, and violations and hazards are addressed. Staff on hand provide training to departments by request.

Fire and Life Safety Services includes:

  • Fire Detection Equipment (smoke detectors, heat sensors, fire alarm panels, etc.)
  • Fire Suppression Systems (fire pumps, extinguishers, sprinklers and halon systems)
  • Electronic Access (keyless access)

Environmental Health

Our environmental health services includes:

  • Custodial Services
  • Inclement Weather
  • Pest Control

Custodial Services: The Custodial Services Unit is outsourced to SSC Service Solutions (SSC).  SSC has the responsibility of providing a clean environment for office spaces, classrooms and the residence halls conducive to employee productivity and providing a comfortable atmosphere for students. Services are provide from:

weekdays – 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

weekends – 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Inclement Weather: FCM’s responsibility in inclement weather situations is to make sure  safe areas are identified and at a constant state of readiness. Should a natural disaster strike, FCM engages in response and recovery operations. We encourage you to review the “Areas of Refuge” to become familiar with designated safe zones.

Pest Control: Pest Control Services are provided by a service contract and managed by the Department of Facilities & Construction Management. Infestation of pests in a building, is considered an emergency and should be reported to the Customer Care Center immediately at extension 2522. Requests for extra services should be submitted via the iService Desk.

Access Control

Our Locksmith technicians maintain efficient and effective operation of door locking hardware across campus, to provide a safe and secure environment for University personnel and the public. We install, service, re-key and maintain door locks, exit devices and electronic locking devices on University buildings. In addition, the Locksmith also assists in maintaining the campus-wide keyless access control system.

Via our TMA system, we maintain an extensive database of University buildings and key data, issuing and returning building keys to students, faculty, staff, vendors and contractors. We also supply detailed reports of outstanding JSU building keys to departmental authorized key signers and building managers.

To obtain a price quote for billable services, please contact the Director of Safety and Environmental Health at (601) 979-2522.

Site Care

Site Care Services is responsible for landscaping and maintaining the grounds of the campus, including the President’s home, botanical garden, and athletic fields. Site Care Service’s desire is to help ensure JSU is the “campus of choice” by maintaining one of the most beautiful campuses in the State of Mississippi and the nation. Our Services

Facilities and Construction Management


833 Walter Payton Drive
P.O. Box 17460
Jackson, MS 39217

Phone: (601) 979-2522
Fax: (601) 979-6408