Q: How do I get an item(s) off my inventory?
A: Complete an Equipment Disposal Form and initiate a work order to have the item(s) picked up. Be sure to enter E-numbers for items associated with the pickup. Items not listed on the list will not be retrieved.
Q: How would I know what’s on my inventory?
A: Contact our department and one (1) of our three (3) Inventory Control Specialist (ICS) will be happy to assist you with your request. If you are a department chair or the responsible party, a copy of your department’s asset listing will be shared with you.
Q: What are State Audits and when do they occur?
A: State Audits occur every odd year (2017, 2019, etc.) during the month of September. During this time a representative from the MS State Department of Finance visits the campus to audit one-third of our fixed assets.
Q: How can I review or download transfer, equipment disposal, direct delivery and hand receipt forms?
A: The forms can be viewed and downloaded online under FCM website under “Property Management” >“Forms” located on the menu bar.
Q: What is a self-audit?
A: Prior to a scheduled audit by an ICS, a self-audit should be done by the department. This helps to ensure the actual audit process is more efficient.
Q: How can I determine if my package has arrived to the campus?
A: Contact the vendor to find out if the package has shipped, if it arrived on campus and who signed for it. This way when you are contacted, all needed information need (PO#, tracking#, who signed in receiving, etc.) is on hand for us to adequately track the package in house.
Q: What do I do if I pick up a package I have not ordered?
A: This shouldn’t occur, but if it does, please fill out a Direct Delivery form and return it to Central Receiving for prompt processing. The danger in picking up items is that we have no knowledge of the asset being in our possession, which leads to negligence with our assets.
Q: How do I transfer a piece of equipment from my department to another?
A: Complete a transfer form with the signatures of both department chairs agreeing to transfer the equipment and bring to Property Management to complete the process in the system. Transfers are not final unless the form obtains the signature of both parties agreeing to transfer and a signature from Property Management.
Q: When do I use a hand receipt?
A: Hand receipts are used for temporary use of another party’s equipment. They are only good for a year and will have to be renewed after a year.
Q: What do we do it a department chair leaves the University?
A: Call Property Management as soon as you learn of the transition. At that point we will initiate an exit audit prior to the final payroll distribution to cover any outstanding expenses for missing assets.