Facilities and Construction Management

FAQ – Facilities and Construction Management
Frequently asked questions are listed under the following categories:
Planning and Contruction
Safety and Environmental Health
Service Requests
Transportation and Fleet Management
Work Order Priority
Q: How do I submit a project request?
A: Before completing a Construction Project Request Form below, the requester/sponsor should consider the following topics (the Interim Director of Facilities and Construction Management can be consulted before submitting the New Construction Project Request to discuss project needs):
- Statement of Work (SOW): describe the problem that the project should solve or the opportunity that the project provides, or the need that the project fulfills
- Project Justification
- JSU’s Vision/Goals that the project supports
- Project Scope: what needs to get done and what does not need to get done
- Business Objectives for the project
- Project Stakeholders: who or what JSU departments are going to be involved in or affected by this project
- Project Constraints: what constraints, limitations, or restrictions in regards to schedule, budget, vendor, technology, JSU policies & procedure constraints apply to this project
- Project Deliverables
- Funding Source
- Project Cost/Budget
Once this has been determined, you should complete a Project Request Form located under “Resources” on the FCM web page.
Q: What do I expect after I’ve submitted a project request?
A: Your request will be reviewed within 15 business days. The Requester or Sponsor will be contacted if there are questions or issues related to the project request. You should receive an email confirmation, if there are no questions/issues, stating that your request has now been submitted for approval, i.e., to upper management.
Q: How do I submit a key request?
A: All key requests should be submitted online, via iService Desk, and approved by the Facility Managers of the building. Invalid requests will be rejected to the originating department.
Q: How do I submit a work order or service request for my area?
A: All requests for each building are submitted through iServiceDesk. Once you submit your request in real-time, you will receive an email confirmation. Next your request is forwarded to your facility manager who will approve the request and forward it to FCM. FCM will then generate a Work Order number and send you a second email notification to inform you the request has been approved and a work order number has been generated.
Q: What is iServiceDesk (iSD)?
A: iServiceDesk (iSD) is a web based system used by the Department of Facilities & Construction Management (FCM) to provide you with a user- friendly mechanism to submit service requests.
Q: Who is my facility manager?
A: Each E & G building has a facility manager. Contact FCM to find out who the facility manager is in your building.
Q: Why can’t the shuttle deviate from its scheduled stops?
A: Each shuttle makes scheduled stops along those routes and must stay on schedule to better serve you.
Q: How may I request transportation or a university vehicle?
A: Submit an online Vehicle Request
Q: Have you received my request for transportation?
A: Upon receipt of your online vehicle request, you will receive an email confirmation containing a work order number.
Q: Where can I pick up/drop off the vehicle I requested?
A: During regular business hours (8:00 – 5:00 PM ), vehicles may be picked up or dropped off at FCM. After hours, vehicles will be picked up or dropped off at Campus Police.
Q: How much will my trip cost?
A: Trip costs are determined by destination. Once your vehicle request has been approved a cost estimate will be sent to you.
Q: Do I get a gas card with my vehicle rental?
A: No. Gas cards are not issued with Rental. Our department provides the first full tank of fuel and any additional fuel costs must be reimbursed by your respective department.
Q: Am I required to take the Defensive Driving Course? How Often?
A: Yes every Jackson State University Employee who drives University Vehicles is required to take the course one time. The course is offered quarterly.
Q: How do I get the vehicle assigned to my department serviced or detailed?
A: Submit a service request via iServiceDesk.
Q: Can I book a motor coach with an outside vendor on behalf of the university?
A: No. All transportation requests on behalf of faculty, staff and students should be requested through the Transportation Mobility Center. Department employees should never contact an outside vendor for services.
Q: Can JSU students drive a university vehicle (whether undergrad, graduate or research students)?
A: No. Only full-time and part-time employees are allowed to drive university vehicles.
Q: Who may rent a university vehicles and motor coach?
A: Only full-time and part-time employees, with departmental head approval, traveling on official JSU business are allowed to reserve/rent a university vehicle.
Q: How do I obtain a proxi card?
A: All proxy card requests are handled by Campus Police. Please contact them at 601-979-2580.
Q: How does FCM prioritize work orders?
A: All work orders will be prioritized into five (5) categories; one (1) being the lowest priority and five (5) being the highest.