Environmental Science Ph.D. Program

Generally, requirements for the Ph.D. include about three years of advanced study beyond college. In terms of semester credit hours it requires a minimum of 90 hours. The degree is based upon a minimum of 30 hours at the masters level and a minimum of 60 hours as a candidate for the doctorate. No credit may be obtained by correspondence study.
For the Environmental Science Ph.D. Program, a minimum of 60 hours of course work, independent study and research, and a residency of at least a year of full-time study are required. Also required are: fluency in English and statistics and computer modeling; the passing of a comprehensive or general examination of the candidates’ subject-matter field; the defense of a creative dissertation.
The students’ Advisory Committee will evaluate the student’s previous training and degree objectives. The committee will then outline a proposed degree program and a research problem which when completed, as indicated by the dissertation will constitute the basic requirements for the degree. The student’s proposed degree program must be submitted to the Division of Graduate Studies prior to the third semester registration. The proposed degree program will be submitted on standard forms, with endorsements by the student’s Advisory Committee, the Program Director, the Dean of the College, and for the approval of the Dean of the Division of Graduate Studies.
Academic work leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology is designed to give the candidate a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his or her professional field and training in methods of research. The final basis for granting the degree shall be the candidate’s grasp of the subject matter of a broad field of study and a demonstrated ability to express thoughts clearly and forcefully in both oral and written languages. The degree is not granted solely for the completion of course work, residence and technical requirements, although these must be met. Since the Ph.D. Program is interdisciplinary it is administratively managed by an Environmental Science Advisory Committee coordinated by the Program Director.
No student will be granted a doctoral degree unless all requirements for the degree are completed within a period of five consecutive calendar years after admission to candidacy. Graduate credit for any course work which is more than ten calendar years old at the time of the final oral examination may not be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Final corrected copies of the dissertation must be accepted by the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, and the Division of Graduate Studies no later than one year after the final examination or within the five year time limit, whichever occurs first. Failure to do so will result in the degree not being awarded.
Upon recommendation of the student’s Advisory Committee and approval of the Environmental Science Ph.D. Program Advisory Committee, Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, and Dean of the Division of Graduate Studies, a student may be permitted to carry on work in connection with the dissertation in absentia.
Environmental Science Ph.D. Program