Environmental Science Ph.D. Program

Dr. Paul Tchounwou, Presidential Distinguished Professor and Director Dr. Barbara Graham-Evans, Associate Professor Assistant Director for Instruction Dr. Kenneth Ndebele, Associate Professor Assistant Director for Research |
Biology | Computer Engineering |
Dr. G. Begonia, Professor Dr. M. T. Begonia, Professor Dr. I. Farah, Associate Professor Dr. H. Hwang, Professor Dr. R. Kafoury, Associate Professor Dr. A. Mohamed, Professor Emeritus Dr. A. Patolla, Assistant Professor Dr. D. Sutton, Associate Professor Dr. C. Yedjou, Assistant Professor Dr. R. Kulawardhana, Assistant Professor |
Dr. M. Manzoul, Professor Dr. R. Whalin, Professor |
Computer Science | |
Dr. W. Brown, Professor Dr. L. Moore, Professor |
Mathematics | |
Dr. T. Kwembe, Professor Dr. R. Gompa, Professor |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | Physics, Atmospheric Sciences and Geoscience |
Dr. Z. Arslan, Associate Professor Dr. A. Hamme, Associate Professor Dr. J. Leszczynski, Presidential Distinguished Professor Dr. Y. Liu, Professor Dr. H. Tachikawa, Professor Emeritus Dr. H. Yu, Professor |
Dr. Y. Li, Assistant Professor Dr. S. Reddy, Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering | Technology |
Dr. F. Amini, Professor Dr. Y. Li, Associate Professor |
Dr. P. C. Yuan, Professor
Environmental Science Ph.D. Program