Environmental Science Ph.D. Program

Admission Requirements
Admission to the doctoral program in Environmental Science is open to persons holding the master’s degree in science, demonstrated satisfactory performance on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and acceptable academic records. Prospective students interested in this Ph.D. Program must first be admitted to the Division of Graduate Studies. This admission does not mean automatic admission to the Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science.
Environmental Science students may begin enrollment at the beginning of each semester and the summer term.
Admission to the Division of Graduate Studies
The Division of Graduate Studies considers for admission to degree programs only those students who have earned degrees (bachelors, masters) from regional accredited colleges and universities. A student must submit to the Office of Records the following information to be considered for admission to the Division of Graduate Studies:
- All admissions credentials on file:
- a. Application for admission to the Division of Graduate Studies.
- b. Transcript(s) direct from college(s) to Division of Graduate Studies.
- c. Three letters of recommendation from former college professors.
- A Graduate Record Examination test score.
- A TOEFL test score for foreign students.
Program Admission
All students seeking admission to the Ph.D. Program must meet the following criteria:
- A Master’s degree in natural sciences or related sciences from an accredited university. An applicant with a Bachelor’s degree only may be admitted when that student shows exceptional potential as determined by a GPA of 3.5 or better, a satisfactory GRE, and exceptional work experience.
- A completed program application submitted to the Program Director.
- An official score on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
- An overall GPA of 3.25 or above (on a 4.0 scale) on the highest earned degree.
- Transcripts for all post secondary and graduate work attempted prior to submitting a program application.
- Recommendations from three major graduate professors knowledgeable of the applicant’s professional academic ability, job experiences, and leadership and research potential.
- Acceptable evidence of a student’s writing ability as determined by a writing sample completed under the supervision of a screening committee member.
- A satisfactory TOEFL score for international students.
- A successful interview with the program Steering Committee.
- Recommendation for admission by the program Steering Committee.
Transfer of Credit
A maximum number of nine credit hours can be transferred into the Program. Courses for which transfer credits are sought must be at least 700-level; must have been completed with a grade of B or better and must be approved by the student’s Advisory Committee, the Program Director, the College Dean and the Dean of the Division of Graduate Studies. Credit for thesis or dissertation research or the equivalent is not transferable. Credit for an internship course work in any form is not transferable.
Environmental Science Ph.D. Program