By: Karla McCullough Cohort 8 Higher education institutions are creating partnerships with corporations vastly; however, there is limited knowledge regarding how this phenomenon is impacting the institutions. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of corporate-university partnerships on the universities’ organizational systems. The research question: What elements of the institutions’ organization system...Read More
By: Ricki R. Garrett, Ph.D., Cohort 3 Historically, woman have not played a significant role in governance of higher education. Despite the fact that woman now compromise more than 50% of those participating in higher education in the United States, they are still underrepresented on boards of trustees (Anderson, 1993; Dotherow, 2000; Dika & Janosik,...Read More
By: Jonny L. DuPree, Ph.D., Cohort 1 Kubala (1999) reports that college administrators are being challenged to place their institutions in the forefront to not only serve their local districts, but to carry out national mandates. They are faced with day-to-day pressures that tax their knowledge, patience, and skill as they strived to fulfill the...Read More
By: Barrett Hatches, Ph.D., Cohort 4 There is a general acknowledgement among researchers, health care professionals, policy makers and numerous other stakeholders that access to health care in the United States is not equitable for all individuals. Moreover, research has demonstrated a link between access to quality health care and positive health outcomes (Ferraro &...Read More
By: Nancy Mahmood, Ph.D., Cohort 6 Despite the astronomical growth in online learning in higher education institutions, and the advantages and flexibility it offers to adult learners with job and family responsibilities, this mode of education delivery has a much higher dropout rate than traditional face to face learning. Furthermore, there is a dearth in...Read More
By: Pamela D. Moore, Ph.D., Cohort 5 This dissertation addresses the important topic of change management in the higher education sector. It examines how change agents respond and adapt to new realities and trends in the external environment and in this sense exemplifies aspects of academic entrepreneurialism. The purpose of the study is to deepen...Read More
By Daarel E. Burnette, Ph.D.Cohort 7 The purpose of the research, An Analysis of Public Higher Education Finance: Historically Black Colleges and Universities Capital Expenditures, was to determine if there are significant differences in states' capital spending between public four-year Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their Predominately White Institutions (PWIs) counterparts located in...Read More
By Andrea J. Cunningham, Ph.D., Cohort 8 The purpose of this study, Generational Status, Self-Esteem, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Social Support: Their Role in First Generation Graduate Students’ Psychological Well- Being, was to extend previous research conducted by Wang and Castaneda-Sound (2008) that examined the influences of generational status, self-esteem, academic self-efficacy, and perceived social support...Read More
Latitia D. McCane, EPh.D. Student | Bishop State Community College, Mobile, Alabama The purpose of this study was to examine STEM on historically black community college campuses in order to understand the role this environment plays in African American students’ academic and social integration on campus; interaction with other STEM students and faculty; and their...Read More
Rita Christopher Ignatius, Ph.D. | Jackson State University There are distinct benefits related with engaging with health promoting practices and psychological well-being of individuals as they are important determinants of health and wellness. While continued unhealthy health practices and behaviors will jeopardize not only their health status in later life, but also have a long...Read More