Felix A. Okojie1*, Martha Tchounwou2, and Dickson Idusuyi3 Abstract The purpose of this study was to address best practices capable of bridging the retention and completion gaps in STEM education for underrepresentedminority students. Using a phenomenologicaldesign, this article delineates Louis Stokes Mississippi Alliance for Minority Participation (LSMAMP) program experiences, instructional strategies, institutional practices and students’...Read More
Ariel Taylor1, Felix A. Okojie2 1Faith Family Academy, Dallas, Texas 2Executive Ph.D. Program in Urban Higher Education, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand systemic factors that impact the progression of women beyond middle level administrative roles within four year higher education institutions. There is currently a wide...Read More
By: James Samuel Maddirala, Rachel V Gumbi, James Perkins, Sebastian Ousepperampil, Pamela D Moore, Loretta Jones, Sidney McNairy, Keith C Norris Office of Academic Affairs and Student Life, Jackson State University, PO Box 17199, Jackson, MS 39217-0299, USA.Ethnicity & disease (Impact Factor: 1.12). 01/2008; 18(2 Suppl 2):S2-185-8. Source: PubMed The Global-World HIV/AIDS Alliance (GHAA) is...Read More
By: Mario J. Azevedo, PhD, MPH, James S. Maddirala, PhD, Shonda Lawrence, PhD, MSW, Kira L. Johnson This study is an overview of the most current state of the US prison system relative to incarcerated women, focusing specifically on the risks of HIV and opportunistic diseases that affect women’s health and lacking concerted interest in...Read More
Brown, W. & Bobo, A. D. (April 2014) The impact of socialization upon African American doctoral students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs at public universities. American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA), Philadelphia, PA. Brown, W.A. & Glusco, T. (November 2013) The Impact of technology on promotion and tenure. Association for the Study of...Read More
By: Kendra L. Preer, Ph.D., Stark State College, Ohio | James Samuel Maddirala, Ph.D., Jackson State University, Mississippi The purpose of this study was to investigate African-American student experiences and perceptions of intraracial campus diversity and learn more about their overall beliefs regarding the institutional practices and policies associated with diversity at historically Black colleges...Read More
By: Dr. Andrea T. Cunningham, Alabama A&M University | Dr. Walter A. Brown, Jackson State University The purpose of this study is to extend previous research conducted by Wang and Castaneda-Sound (2008) that examined the influences of generational status, self-esteem, academic self-efficacy, and perceived social support on undergraduate first generation college (FGC) students’ wellbeing. This...Read More