If you’re a JSU student or employee and you have a documented disability, the Disability Center can assist you with a reasonable accommodation in an inclusive learning community at Jackson State University.
First you have to establish an Accommodation Plan with us. You can do this starting July 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015, for the fall/2015 and again December 1, 2015 through January 30, 2016, for the spring/2016.
Steps for success:
1. Complete the Student Information Questionnaire (SIQ).
2. Meet with the Learning Specialist and Coordinator.
3. Be prepared to provide legal documentation of the disability and recommended accomodations attached.
4. Attend a New Student Orientation (NSO).
5. Meet with your professors.
6. Returning students can request for renewal online every semester.
Step 1: Complete the Student Information Questionnaire (SIQ).
Download the Student Information Questionnaire (SIQ), fill it out, and return it to our office at Student Center 2nd floor suite 2121. Be sure to fill out the SIQ yourself and complete it thoroughly and accurately.
Step 2: Meet with an Access Advisor or Coordinator.
Make an appointment to come to the Disability Center here in Student Center with one of our Access Advisors for an introductory meeting, which will take about an hour. Bring a list of questions, and be prepared to talk about your disability and how it affects your learning and your ability to participate in JSU programs. Find our office.
Step 3: Be prepared to provide documentation.
If you are requesting accommodations, you might be asked to provide supporting documentation of your disability (also referred to as third party documentation). Third party documentation may consist of an IEP/504 plan, recent diagnostic evaluation, or a letter from a qualified professional that explains more about your disability and how your disability impacts your participation in University programs. If you have third party documentation, you are welcome to bring it with you for the initial appointment, but it is not necessary. More about documentation.
Step 4: Attend New Student Orientation (NSO).
At New Student Orientation (NSO), you'll receive a folder containing information about the Disability Center, explanations of policies and procedures and an emailed Accommodation Memos for your professors.
Step 5: Meet with your professors.
Before classes start, set up appointments to meet with your professors, preferably during their office hours. Talk about your disability, and present each professor with an Accommodation Memo. Then develop a plan for the semester. If you’ve been approved to receive exam accommodations, complete the Accommodated Exam Request Form so your professors can complete their section.
Step 6: Renew your Accommodation Plan online every semester.
Once you have received accommodations for your first semester, you can quickly and easily renew your accommodation plan online for all following semesters. Each semester you will need to meet with all of your professors and present your Accommodation Memos.