Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology
The Computer Science Program is responsive to the educational needs of its students, offering both B.S. and M.S. degrees. The programs combine thorough preparation in the fundamentals of computing with the opportunity for more advanced work in Computer Science, Information Systems, and Computational Science.
Master of Science in Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science offers a Master of Science in Computer Science. The curriculum is geared to 1) provide training for those preparing to enter fields where a substantial working knowledge of computing is required, 2) provide additional training to people already working in the field, and/or 3) prepare students for study at the doctoral level.
Program Educational Objectives
The educational objectives of the MS in Computer Science program at Jackson State University are to graduate students who will be able to:
- Demonstrate a broad knowledge of Computer Science and a focused understanding of their area of expertise.
- Apply their knowledge and analytical skills to create effective and novel solutions to both practical and research problems.
- Adapt to rapidly changing technology and engage in life-long learning.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students receiving an MS degree in Computer Science should be able to:
- Describe concepts of computer architecture, operating systems, and programming.
- Apply mathematical foundations, computational theory, and algorithmic principles to solve computing problems.
- Turn complex programming specifications into well-designed and well-tested computer programs.
- Demonstrate knowledge of current technologies, protocols, applications, and tools necessary for computing practice.
- Communicate effectively and work both collaboratively and independently.
Admission Requirements
In addition to satisfying the university requirements to enter graduate school, students must meet other specific requirements in order to be formally admitted to the Department of Computer Science program. Ideally, students will have a B.S. in Computer Science, or a related field, and at least the equivalent of the following courses:
CSC 118 – Programming Fundamentals
CSC 119 – Object-Oriented Programming
CSC 216 – Computer Architecture and Organization
CSC 225 – Discrete Structures
CSC 228 – Data Structures and Algorithms
CSC 325 – Operating Systems
EN 212 – Digital Logic
ENL 212 – Digital Logic Laboratory
BIO 111 – General Biology
CHEM 141 – General Chemistry
MATH 231 – Calculus I
MATH 232 – Calculus II
MATH 355 – Probability and Statistics
PHY 211 – General Physics I
PHY 212 – General Physics II
Students who do not have the required background may be admitted as special students. These students must take specified courses to make up deficiencies and no credit toward the degree is awarded for courses prescribed to satisfy entrance requirements.
Graduate Courses and Degree Options
Immunization Requirements
All students admitted to Jackson State University are required to submit proof of having received two immunization shots for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) in order to complete registration for classes.
If an applicant has already been admitted and plans to attend the University as a first time student (undergraduate, graduate or transfer), he/she must submit a copy of the required immunization record to the University Health Center prior to registration for courses.
Students who have been admitted but do not submit the required immunization verification will be unable to complete registration for classes in the school’s computer enrollment system. Please see further immunization information at this link
For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2105. We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.