Community Resilience

Community Resilience
Our vision is to equip Mississippi’s underserved communities with up-to-date skills for better preparedness of natural disasters to minimize loss of life and property; thus, building resilient communities.
Our mission is to provide contemporary emergency/disaster management and preparedness education and training related to natural disasters (i.e. weather and atmospheric events) for Mississippi’s underserved communities; to mitigate loss through effective preparedness and response planning; and to building a pipeline from middle school to higher education that develops future Emergency/Disaster Management Professionals and Atmospheric Scientists.
The solution is to provide community training and outreach (targeting the underserved communities and vulnerable populations).
Our Inter-disciplinary approach includes:
- Industrial Systems & Technology (Technology)
- Emergency/Disaster Management
- Implementation of modern technologies
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
- Weather Events
- Weather Awareness and Preparedness
- Psychology
- Psychology of Disasters and Behavior and Social aspects
- Emotional/Mental in lieu of impact of natural disaster
- Journalism and Media Studies
- Early warnings and notifications through multimedia
- Proper media community messaging
- Computer Science
- Cyber security and continuity regarding weather related disaster
- Emergency notification platforms