Master of Science in Communicative Disorders
College of Health Sciences
The Department of Communicative Disorders operates the Central Mississippi Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic to facilitate the clinical education of students in speech-language pathology, facilitate faculty-student research, and to provide services to person with speech, language, cognitive, swallowing and/or hearing disorders in Jackson and the surrounding counties.
Academic Requirements:
Students are required to complete a total of 52 semester hours (s.h.) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4-point scale) in this full-time, 5-semester program.
Required Core Courses (46 s.h.)
CMD510 | Advanced Articulation and Phonological Disorders | 3 s.h. |
CMD525 | Dysphagia | 3 s.h. |
CMD527 | Seminar in Child Language Disorders I | 3 s.h. |
CMD528 | Seminar in Child Language Disorders II | 2 s.h. |
CMD530 | Seminar in Acquired Disorders of Language I | 3 s.h. |
CMD531 | Seminar in Acquired Disorders of Language II | 3 s.h. |
CMD532 | Methods of Research | 3 s.h. |
CMD535 | Augmentative and Alternative Communication | 3 s.h. |
CMD537 | Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology | 3 s.h. |
CMD565 | Seminar in Fluency Disorders | 2 s.h. |
CMD570 | Seminar in Aural Rehabilitation | 3 s.h. |
CMD575 | Seminar in Organic Speech Disorders | 3 s.h. |
CMD578 | Seminar in Voice Disorders | 3 s.h. |
CMD540-549 | Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology | 6 s.h. |
PH500 | Introduction to Public Health Disciplines | 3 s.h. |
Thesis/Project/Additional Coursework Options (6 s.h.)
In addition to the core curriculum, candidates for the M.S. degree in Communicative Disorders must successfully complete one of the three options given below:
- Thesis Option. Students who choose the thesis option must successfully complete CMD590 – Thesis, for a total of 6.0 semester hours, and a Final Oral Examination.
- Project Option. Students who select the project option must successfully complete 6.0 semester hours of Master’s Project (CMD589).
- Additional Coursework Option. Students choosing the additional coursework option must successfully complete the core curriculum (46 s.h.), and at least 6 graduate semester hours in elective courses within the Department, selected with the approval of the academic advisor.
If interested in the thesis/project option, students should seek advisement by the end of the first semester of graduate enrollment. Students must also successfully complete the Graduate Area Comprehensive Examination (written essays and the Praxis exam in Speech-Language Pathology).
CMD515 | Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology | 1 s.h. |
CMD519 | Audiology for the Speech-Language Pathologist | 3 s.h. |
CMD523 | Assessment and Evaluation in Speech-Language Pathology | 3 s.h. |
CMD550 | Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology | 1 s.h. |
CMD555 | Speech-Language Pathology in the Medical Setting | 2 s.h. |
CMD558 | Seminar in Multicultural Issues | 2 s.h. |
CMD563 | Research & Clinical Instrumentation | 2 s.h. |
CMD572 | Communication Behaviors and the Aging Process | 2 s.h. |
CMD580 | Business and Management Aspects of a Speech-Language Pathology Practice |
2 s.h. |
CMD582 | Special Problems in Speech-Language Pathology | 2-4 s.h. |
CMD585 | Independent Study | 3-6 s.h. |
Please click this link to see the Typical Course Sequence across Five Semesters.
Clinical (Practicum) Requirements:
The student must successfully complete the practicum requirements specified below:
- Acquire all skills specified in the current standards for ASHA certification.
- At least 25 clock hours of clinical observation must be completed before beginning initial clinical practicum.
- At least 325 clock hours of practicum in speech-language pathology must be completed at the graduate level.
- At least 50 clock hours must be completed in each of three types of clinical settings. The settings may include a hospital or medical facility, the university clinic and public schools.
The Master of Science degree program in Communicative Disorders is competency-based. Before a student is allowed to graduate, he/she is expected to acquire the knowledge and skills to prevent disorders of communication, and to safely, effectively and efficiently assess and treat persons across the life span, from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, who present with disorders of articulation, fluency, voice and resonance, receptive and expressive language, hearing, swallowing, cognition and social aspects of communication. Additionally, the student is expected to demonstrate specific knowledge in communication modalities, as well as possess skills in oral and written communication sufficient for entry into professional practice. The student is required to maintain a GPA of ‘B’ on a 4-point scale.
All students admitted to the full-time program must be full-time in residence during the program of study. The minimum duration for full-time graduate study is two years including the summer between the first and second years. Depending on the student’s skills, additional time may be necessary to complete clinical requirements, acquire all required skills or conduct thesis research.
Types of External Clinical Sites:
Students earn clinical clock hours at the Central Mississippi Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic and at other off-campus clinical sites assigned by the Department. Off-campus sites are assigned based upon the student’s knowledge and skills, availability of specific external sites and appropriate supervision, and student interest. The types of external sites students are placed at include:
- Hospitals
- Rehabilitation facilities
- Nursing homes
- Public schools
- Private practices
- Early intervention
- Child development centers
- Other educational facilities
For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-1143. We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.