Dr. Hafiz Anwar Ahmad
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Department of Biology
Email: hafiz.a.ahmad@jsums.edu
Phone Number: 601-979-4048
Fax Number: 601-979-5853
Coming Soon
- Ph.D., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1994; Animal Science
- M.S., Troy University, Montgomery, AL, 2005; Computer & Info Systems
- MBA, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 1998; Business Administration
- M.Sc. (Hons), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 1987; Animal Nutrition
- B.Sc. (Hons), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 1985; Animal Husbandry
To see more of the selected content below, Download CV.
1. Ahmad, H.A. PI, 2011. Developing Food Safety and Risk Analysis Resources in Pakistan.
Submitted to USDA-International Science Education. Grant tracking no. GRANT10782713.
2. Ahmad, H.A. PI, 2010. Establishing Biostatical Consulting Center in Pakistan. US Department
of State-HEC, Awarded, $338,406 for 2010-2013.
3. Ahmad, H.A. PI, 2009. Broiler growth prediction modeling with simulations and neural
networks. Submitted to USDA-CSREES-AFRI-Animal growth and nutrient utilization (CFDA
10.310). Grant tracking no. GRANT10371447.
4. Ahmad, H.A. PI, 2008. Egg production modeling using simulation and artificial intelligence
methodologies. Submitted to NSF-Statistics (1269).
5. Ahmad, H.A. PI, 2008. Determination of Broiler Growth and Critical Nutrient Requirements
using Artificial Intelligence Models. Submitted to USDA-CSREES. National Research Initiative:
Animal Growth and Nutrient Utilization (10.206). Grant tracking no. GRANT00469275.
Journal Publications
1. Akil, L., H.A. Ahmad, 2011. Relationships between Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases in
Four Southern States and Colorado. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 22:
2. Mahmud, O., Dates, C., Akil, L., and Ahmad, H. A., 2011. HIV and Tuberculosis in the United
States and Select Sub-Saharan Africa Countries. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health 8: 2524-2532 (PMID: 21776244: PMCID: PMC3138039
3. Garner, J.A., Ahmad, H.A. and Dacus, C.M., 2011. Soil Resource Area Affects Herbivore
Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8: 2565-2564
(PMID: 21776246: PMCID: PMC3138041)
4. Ahmad, H. A, 2011. Egg Production Forecasting: Determining efficient modeling approaches.
Journal of Applied Poultry Research (accepted: in press, manuscript ID JAPR-10-00266)
5. Akil, L., H.A. Ahmad, 2011. Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on Obesity Rates in Four
Southern States and Colorado. Ethnicity and Disease, 21:58-62 (PMCID: PMC3101796
1. Luma Akil and H. A. Ahmad, 2011. Artificial Neural Networks: Obesity Modeling. 11th Annual
Conference on Eliminating Health Disparities–Healthy Eating II: Winning the War Against
Obesity, Jackson Hilton Convention Center, Jackson, Mississippi USA, October 7, 2011
2. Luma Akil and H. A. Ahmad, 2011. Obesity Modeling using Artificial Neural Networks
(Abstract PA-37). 8th International Symposium on Environmental Health, Marriott Hotel,
Jackson, Mississippi, USA, September 18-21
3. Luma Akil and H. A. Ahmad, 2011. Analysis of Food-Borne Related Illness and Death from
Exposure to E. coli (Abstract PA-38). 8th International Symposium on Environmental Health,
Marriott Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi, USA, September 18-21
4. Stacey May, O. Moore, L. Akil and H. A. Ahmad, 2011. Assessment of Body Fat Composition
in an Obesity Study (Abstract PA-39). 8th International Symposium on Environmental Health,
Marriott Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi, USA, September 18-21
5. Laurette Thuisseu and H. A. Ahmad, 2011. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Colorectal Cancer
(Abstract PA-40). 8th International Symposium on Environmental Health, Marriott Hotel,
Jackson, Mississippi, USA, September 18-21
- Biostatistics Education and Consulting
- Neural Network Modeling of Physiological Variables
- Microbial Risk Assessment
- Poultry Growth and Nutrition Modeling
Research InterestsEpidemiological Survey of Cancer Incidence in Minority Population
Foot and Mouth Disease via Cheese Imports
Salmonella enteritidis in Shell Eggs
Citrus Canker via Uruguayan Citrus Imports
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
Foot and Mouth Disease via Brazilian Beef ImportsRisk AnalysisApplication Software: Statistical Analysis (SAS, SPSS, Statview), MS Office, Corel Suite, Database Management, Neural Networks, Modeling (@Risk, Stella), Feed Formulation (Brill, AgriData)
Programming Languages: QBasic, C++, HTML, LISP, Visual Basic, Java, XML, Systems: PC, UNIX, Macintosh, Networks
Computer Skills- Board of Scientific Reviewers, American Veterinary Medical Association 2005- 2007
- Outstanding MBA Team Case Analysis, Auburn University
- Outstanding Graduate Student, MSU 1990-91
- Rotary International Freedom from Hunger Scholarship for Ph.D. 1989-92
- University Standing and Silver Medal in MS, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan
- Pakistan Agriculture Research Council Fellowship
HonorsW Handbook on Import Risk Analysis for Animals and Animal Products,
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, March 15, 2005,
Vol. 226, No. 6, Pages 889-895Book Review