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Department of Biology
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


Jackson State University’s degree options in Biology is designed to prepare students for graduate or professional studies, as well as for entering the job market. Students can elect to specialize in Environmental Science, Marine Biology, Pre-Health Careers(Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, etc.), or Pre-Health Career Prerequisites (Pre-Dental, Hygiene, Pre-Nursing).

Dr. Naira Ibrahim

Office: JAP Science Building – Rm 439


Phone: (601) 979-3469

Fax: (601) 203-5139






  1. Postdoctoral at Jackson State University since April 2021
  2. Postdoctoral at Tuskegee University 2019- March 2021
  3. Ph.D. Environmental Research Institute ElSadat University, Egypt, 2019
  4. MSc. Alexandria University, Egypt,2012
  5. BSc. Alexandria University, Egypt, 2008.

Research Interests

  1. Phytoremediation of toxic metals as heavy metals in soil, water, air by using plants.
  2. Modeling an uptake model, HSPLIT model to calculate the amount of pollution in the environment.
  3. Tissue culture and plant production.

Published papers

    1. Naira A. Ahmed, Naglaa M. Esmaiel and Abido A.I. 1stInternational conference on Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture, Moshtohor and Hurghada. 18-22, February 2012, Egypt.
    2. Naira. A. Ahmed, Nader A. Elshanhorey, Inas Z. Abdelsalam and Ashraf A. Zahran. Bioremediation of Heavy metals by using some shrubs in three different locations of Alexandria city. (A) Nerium oleander.Alexandria Science Exchange Journal, 40(1):100-114, 2019.ISSN :1110-0176.
    3. Naira. A. Ahmed, Inas Z. Abdelsalam , Nader A. Elshanhorey, and Ashraf A. Zahran. Bioremediation of Heavy metals by using some shrubs in three different locations of Alexandria city. (B)Pittosporum tobira.Journal of the advance in agricultural research, 23(2):366-388, 2018. 
    4. Ashraf A. Zahran, Inas Z. Abdelsalam , Nader A. Elshanhorey, and Naira. A. Ahmed. Phytoremediation of air pollution by using some plants in three different locations of Alexandria city.Journal of the advance in agricultural research, 2017.
    5.    Naira Ibrahim and Gamal ElAfandi Evaluation of the Phytoremediation Uptake Model for Predicting Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, and Zn) from the Soil using Nerium oleander L. from the Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (Springer), 2021
    6.  Naira Ibrahim and Gamal ElAfandi Phytoremediation Uptake model of Heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Zn) by using Nerium oleander L. in the Helion Journal (Elsevier), 2021.


For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2586 or submit your questions and requests to  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



John A. Peoples Science Building, Room 335


(601) 979-2586

Mailing Address

Jackson State University,
Department of Biology,
1400 J.R. Lynch St.,
P.O. Box 18540, Jackson, MS 39217