APSC Training Experiences and Resources
Training Experiences
Psychological Assessments. Intake entails the completion of a set of forms that require the following: consent to participate in services, confidentiality agreement, duty to warn, signed agreement of receipt and reading of the HIPAA privacy procedure, release of information, authorization to secure medical information, etc. The Intake procedure requires a comprehensive mental status examination, a clinical interview, completion of the 3-page Intake Form including such information as the presenting problem, social, education, medical, and psychiatric background of the client by the doctoral student, etc. The basic test/screening protocol is the administration of the Beck series of psychological tests (BDI, BAI, BHS, and BSS) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). These measure are frequently and routinely to track progress made in therapy. With children and adolescents, the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist is commonly administered.
The basic test protocol followed for cognitive assessment is administration of the age-appropriate Wechsler IQ tests, the WIAT-II or III and WRAT-4. For abbreviated cognitive assessments, students are trained in the administration of the WASI. An appropriate achievement test substitute is the Woodcock Johnson III. There are several other cognitive assessment instruments available in the Clinic, depending on the referral question, screening results, and test results. The basic personality test protocol encompasses administrations of the MMPI-2 or MCMI- III, along with the BSI and Beck series. A number of personality tests are also available for use at the supervisor’s discretion and dependent upon the referral question, test results and need for further analyses. (See Catalog of Tests in the APSC Manual). Psychological reports are written using data from psychological test instruments.
Psychological/Behavioral Interventions. The types of interventions used in the APSC are empirically supported. The types of interventions used are empirically based supported. Cognitive-behavioral interventions, behavioral therapy and solution –focused therapy are the most frequently utilized approach in counseling clients seen in the Clinic. Treatment manuals for ADHD, anxiety management, anger management, assertiveness training, social skills training and cognitive therapy for depression are the most commonly utilized approaches of clinicians and practicum students in the APSC to date. An eclectic approach is also utilized, if deemed necessary. Therapeutic interventions are dependent upon the training and theoretical orientation of the supervisor.
Practicum Orientation. During the first four weeks of practicum, doctoral students are allowed to familiarize themselves with APSC procedures, practice through role-play how to conduct Intakes, clinical interviews, and therapy sessions. The following information is discussed:
- Practicum contract;
- Ethical conduct and HIPPA regulations and procedures;
- Intake procedures, Clinical Interview procedure and Initial Assessment Protocol;
- Progress notes format, i.e. S.O.A.P.
- Expectation about supervision;
- Student evaluations;
- Practicum supervisor and site evaluation;
- Training Experience Log;
- Record-Keeping procedures;
- Termination Procedures;
- Dress code;
- Emergency/Client crisis;
- Suicidal precautions;
- Basic skills in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CPT);
Supervision. Weekly one-hour supervisory sessions are arranged with practicum students. Sessions are conducted with individuals on a one-to-one basis. Each new client is staffed by the graduate clinic with the Clinic Director. Guidance is given regarding how to pursue the case, what to assess, what testing instrument to use, etc. At each supervisory session, students staff client cases with their clinical supervisor, revealing case conceptualizations, diagnostic impressions, treatment goals and plans of action. Therapy notes are reviewed and signed by the supervisor. Students are observed periodically via the one-way mirror. Students make inquiries regarding Clinic operations mostly with the APSC Clinic Manager.
Training Resources
The APSC has a library of psychological tests with protocols and manuals, relaxation training CD’s, and massage pad, books on assessment measures and report writing, test scoring software, books on psychiatric conditions that provide treatment recommendations and manualized treatment publications. Students have access to a large array of psychotherapy DVD’s and video tapes, psychopathology videotapes and videotapes on psychological services involving ethnic minorities.
The APSC is located in the College of Liberal Arts on the 3rd floor, Suite 327. The APSC recently installed Titanium, an Electronic Medical Records (EMR). There are two (2) therapy and two (2) testing rooms. Two-way mirrors and the bug-n-ear allow for supervisor/instructor viewing and training purposes. Digital recording is available in all therapy and testing rooms. All therapy and testing rooms have cameras. The clinicians’ lab, equipped with five (5) computers, 4 printers, and a copier is located behind the front office desk.